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Beacon Hill Film Festival 

2024 Season

Award Winners

Congratulations to all the Filmmakers!

We are so incredibly proud and lucky to have the opportunity to share your work!

2024 Award Winners

Best of Fest Instrusion

Audience Award Spectral Seers

*Awarded by a simple majority of the audience vote.

Next Gen Award Spectral Seers

Artistic Achievement Directing How to Feel Fulfilled At Work

Artistic Achievement Story Ghost Trials

Artistic Achievement Acting 

Best Actor Malachi White (Young Henry - Ghost Trials)

Best Actress Katherine Sheridan (Cherie - Ghost Trials)

Best Ensemble McKenna Jeffers, Kaitlyn Kopf, Sarah Kopf 

(The Prize of Ocean City)

Technical Achievement Cinematography Jamar Jones (730 Days)

Technical Achievement Editing Nate Henry (How to Feel Fulfilled at Work)

Technical Achievement Production Design Kelly Galicia (Ghost Trials)

Technical Achievement Sound Design Sidney Mullins and Daniel Vo

(Spectral Seers)

Technical Achievement Visual Effects Dounia Sabah (Harra and the Donkey)

Representation in Film and Media Award 730 Days

*Recognizes a focus on increasing and improving representation and diversity in storytelling in front of, and behind the camera, as well as in the stories being told.

DMV Hometown Award ReRouted
*Beacon Hill is a neighborhood in Alexandria Virginia, that used to be home to the Beacon Hill Airfield. To honor the legacy of the namesake of the festival we created this award which recognizes films produced in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

Special Jury Awards
The Jury would like to recognize the following films with special awards.
These are non-competitive awards, and are awarded at the discretion of the jury. As such we have provided a citation below each award for why we opted to recognize these films.

Most Views* - ReRouted 

*Building an audience for your film is a feat in and of itself. The Jury would like to recognize the film whose community showed up in resounding support, and engaged with the work.

Critics Choice* - Ambulance

*Deceptively simple, and at the same time immensely complex.  The Critics Choice recognizes a singular film that achieves so much on so many different levels. 

Stories that Matter* - Exit, Live Your Life, 730 Days

*The jury would like to recognize filmmakers who are not afraid to tackle hard, sensitive and often difficult to address subjects.

The films recognized this year are very personal explorations of mental health, and the personal struggles many people face every day as they tackle issues of depression, anxiety, grief and so much more. 

Thank you for the work your doing to help us connect with what it means to be human.

The Filmmakers Filmmaker* - Harra and the Donkey

*Recognition of the sheer complexity of what it takes to make a film. Its important to recognize big dreams are only achievable by ambition and bringing together a community of people under a shared vision.

Get Out There and Make A Movie* - The Prize of Ocean City

*Its important to make films with family, friends, and the community around you. Sometimes we need to simplify and make movies for the love of telling stories.

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